Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas from Dirty Duck Racing

Merry Christmas everyone from Dirty Duck Racing and our Magic Rabbit.

Nothing says Christmas more than your parts car all aglow in white lights! And the Bounder is happy with its string of lights all the way around the coach!

And who said I live in a holler? Ever seen a holler so decorated, well maybe lighting up the dead cars and the RV does qualify Pine Trail as a holler! :-)

But you have to admit the Bounder looks great all lit up with the house in the background.

And the Magic Rabbit is out for Christmas with it's red lights all ablaze! So festive, so very Christmas. Totally in the Christmas Spirit.

With its red lights shining Santa Claus will certainly be able to find my house, hope he brings camber plates, new cam shaft and maybe even a limited slip differential.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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