Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Buttonwillow Trip Update...

Trip Update: We pulled over and picked up jumper cables to daisy chain the RV deep cycle battery and the motor battery together!! We pulled the battery out of the race car too.

The best part is that we have the Battery charger ZIP TIED to the front grill of the RV!! HAHA!!

One more hour to go and we are running 12 volts and headlights now. I think we'll make it! Buttonwillow or BUST!

RV Alternator just went out...

In route to Buttonwillow right now.... The alternator just went out in the Bounder RV. So in typical Lemons fashion, we fired up the generator and ran an extension from the generator to the engine bay, charging the battery as we drive!!!! Classic! Rye is on the phone calling auto parts shops trying to find a new alternator to pick up, no luck yet! All is going well so far... but we'll see what happens once we turn the headlights on! What's the worst that could happen!?! HAHAHA Abra F-ing Cadabra. Dirty Duck Racing.